



1. Stability flame with regular flame shapes, no phenomenon like fluctuation and sweep kiln liner, that will outstanding extend the life time of kiln liner.

2. Good mixing performance with gas fuel, primary air and secondary air, burning abundantly, that can be enhance heating intensity and reduce primary air proportion at same time, then will improve kiln capacity and reduce energy consumption.

3. No strong eddy between flame and bowl effect produced by flame cover, can avoid appearance of temperature peak and make evenly distribution of flame temperature, then effectively protect cylinder and guard plate of kiln inlet.

4. Due to more fully mixing with combustion air and fuel gas, the burning will be more quickly and fully, which will reduce the content of CO and NOX from kiln inlet, but also better for safety operating and realizing green production.

5. The nozzle has made by special material with advantages like heat-resistance and easy to change.

6. Simple operation and adjustment. When operating, erupt speed of each air pipe can be change via adjust sectional area, then will realize goals like adjustment of flame shape and strength.

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