
Lime Rotary Kiln



1. According to the character of limestone and its calcination requirement, the structure of kiln inlet and outlet sections has been optimized. It can resolve the problem of material returning back to kiln inlet and the leakage of dust.


2. Evenly heating for limestone, low rate of less calcination and over calcination. Especially suitable for the high activity lime for steel making.


3. Technical configuration is optional: matched vertical preheater can use the high temperature from rotary kiln to preheating the limestone from room temperature to decomposition condition; matched vertical cooler can cooling down the high temperature of lime in the shortest time, and process can increase the activity of lime and also easy for transportation and storage.


Lime rotary kiln is used to produce quicklime through the calcination of limestone (calcium carbonate). Lime rotary kiln is specialized design for production of active lime.


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