



1. Advanced thin type lifting valve and off-line dust cleaning device make sure the dust collected completely.

2. Reasonable design for air inlet evenly flow tube and dust hopper discharging device. This can resolve the problem the uneven air flow of each chamber.

3. Bigger volume air bag can be suitable for both high pressure and low pressure air supply.

4. Spring increase type is adopted on the top of filtering bag. It has the advanages like good sealing performance, easy and fast bag replacing, bag replacing outside the bag filter.

5. Design of filtering bag is different according to different industry and application. The fabrication standards are increased at approx. 50% based on the industry standard.

6. Solenoid pulse vale adpots high quality raw materia. Its mebrane has longer using life.

7. Control system adpots advanded controller. It has 3 controlling methods: pressure difference, timing and manual. Offline valve, pulse valve and ash discharging valve are auotmatically controlled by the system.

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