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1. Introduction of Rotary Cooler: The single-cylinder rotary cooler is a device that fully heats the high-temperature materials with the air through the rotating cylinder, and cools the materials. It h…
View detailed1. Introduction to double roller granulator: The double roller granulator is a special molding equipment designed for powder or small particle materials, and it is the key equipment of the ceramsite pr…
View detailedCeramsite is widely used in wall panels, blocks, lightweight concrete and other directions because of its excellent heat insulation, sound insulation, anti-corrosion, and low specific gravity. It plays…
View detailedAfter the ceramsite raw material ball is made, it enters the rotary kiln for calcination. The drying kiln in the first half has a slower rotation speed and a longer length. This is to make the ceramsit…
View detailedGranulators are widely used in chemical, building materials, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, plastic, food and other industries. The granulators produced by our company are generally used in th…
View detailedThe coal mill dynamic separator is mainly used as the classification equipment in the coal powder preparation (grinding) system of the cement plant. Application of Dynamic Powder Separator: Coal mill d…
View detailedThe raw materials for ceramsite production are generally shale, sludge, clay, fly ash, tailings mud and other materials, including block, powder, semi-fluid, etc., which are characterized by small part…
View detailedThe cement clinker grinding plant or cement grinding station acts as an individual production line in the last period of the cement production process. In the finished product period, the cement clinke…
View detailedIn the ceramsite production process, the transportation of raw materials is an important part of the production process. Due to the high moisture content of the ceramsite raw materials, traditional tra…
View detailedHammer Crusher and Ring Hammer Crushers are common machines when we crush materials. The purpose is to crush materials, but there is a question. Are these two machines the same? Why are these differenc…
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